Source: CVDaily Feed

Do young people have an interest in this year’s presidential election? They undoubtedly do if they are students of Logan High School Social Studies teacher Jason Soffe. The students will be going to Washington, DC later this y ear to join students from throughout the country at the annual Close-Up event.

Several students appeared on KVNU’s For the People program after watching the presidential debate. When asked for their reaction, the answers varied but one student, Victoria Stafford, was definitely impressed.

She said having a woman running for president is important for empowering marginalized groups.

“That empowerment is really important when you are raised in a society that tells you that men have this authority role and as a woman you don’t really have that,” said Stafford. “In order to be able to grow up now, and see small children now, especially little girls instead of wanting to be princesses or whatever else may usually fit a gender norm, now they can say I aspire to be the president. Now they have a role model and I think that is really important.”

Other students had other answers, with one male saying it was sad to see Donald Trump blow up.