Source: CVDaily Feed

LOGAN — The Logan City Police Department honored their top officers Wednesday night during an awards banquet, coinciding with National Police Week. The dinner and awards ceremony was held in the USU Taggart Student Center ballroom.

Police Chief Gary Jensen said he is humbled as he thinks about the officers and other staff, who make the department what it is.

“Logan City is a very responsible, very tightknit community and I think the police department equals that same notion,” said Jensen. “We have quality men and women that go out and serve the public professionally.”

During the ceremony, the “Detective of the Year Award” was given to Darren Cook, who investigates aggravated crimes and sexual assaults. “Patrol Officer of the Year Awards” were presented to Elayne Franco and Derek Grange. Pam Olsen, who has been a 911 dispatch operator for 18 years, was also given the “Dispatcher of the Year Award.”

Jensen presented several “Chief’s Commendation Awards,” to two narcotics agents. The men asked that their identities remain anonymous because of their undercover work. One of them helped secure a $14,000 grant for a tactical robot, and the other is a Cache County Sheriff’s Deputy, responsible for 195 arrests last year.

The “Willard R. Dahle Award” that goes to the “Top Cop,” was given to another narcotics agent, the Sargent who oversees the Cache Rich Drug Task Force. The group is comprised of officers and deputies from multiple law enforcement agencies in Cache and Rich counties.

Jensen said, as he reviews his officer’s actions, he is impressed by the manner that they respect people, even when those persons may not deserve to be treated well.

“I think that’s what brings a good marriage between a police department and a community. When the community sees that even in the most difficult moments, these officers can stand up and be strong, and have good character as they deal with people, I think is a very positive sign in how we manage our efforts as police.”

Two “Partnership Awards” were also given to the Sheriff’s Office and Attorney’s Office from Davis County. Both agencies helped investigate two shootings last year that involved law enforcement personnel.