Source: CVDaily Feed
The Cache Valley Visitors Bureau is making some matching grants available to non-profit organizations for out-of-area marketing and new event development. Executive Director Julie Hollist says her office does not have enough staff to present large-scale events that bring tourists to the area but the office tries to supplement and encourage others who do so by providing them financial assistance in an amount up to $1,500.
She says the Event Development funds must be used for expenses to establish a new attraction, event, activity, festival or program.
“We provide some seed money to get it going, to get on its feet,” Hollist says. “One good example of that, I think, is the Cache Valley Cowboy Rendezvous.
“That’s something that we’ve been able to support the last couple of years to kind of help them get started. Any new event people are interested in creating, that’s how we would like to help.”
Hollist says the other type of grant is for out-of-area marketing funds to be used for marketing efforts outside Cache, Rich, Box Elder, Franklin and Bear Lake counties. Previous awards in this category have been made to organizations presenting outdoor events, arts events and festivals, such as the Top of Utah Marathon and Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre.
The deadline for applying for the matching grants is March 2 at 5 p.m.