LOGAN – The Cache Valley Chapter of the League of Women Voters of Utah (LWVU) will host a “Meet the Candidates” Night on Monday, Aug. 26.

Featuring local hopefuls for the Cache County Council and the Utah Legislature, that event will take from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Logan.

The County Council candidates will take the stage at 5:30 p.m., according to LWVU members Christine Hult, who delivered an open invitation to Logan residents during a presentation to the Logan Municipal Council on Aug. 20.

They will be followed by candidates for state offices, she added, with each candidate receiving a chance to speak followed by responding to questions.

Hult emphasized that the LWVU organizers of the “Meet the Candidates” event hope to get questions submitted ahead of time, to give the candidates an opportunity to frame thoughtful responses.

To submit questions for the candidates, Cache Valley residents can go online to https://tinyurl.com/mpdjt7nd

“National elections make more headlines,” said Kendra Penry, a spokesperson for the Cache Valley Chapter of LWVU. “But it is local election like this one (upcoming in November) that affect us the most in our daily lives.”

Mail-in ballots for that election will be sent out on Oct. 15, according to LWVU officials. Early in-person balloting will begin on Oct. 29, they say, making it critical to consider the issues that matter most to voters and to decide which candidates are best qualified to represent us in future.

“Voting is how we let our voices be heard on everything from water usage to education and much more, “ Penry added. “We must be sure of what is truly important to us and who can best speak for us, regardless of party.

“This night will help all people figure out who that is before casting their ballots.”

For additional information about the LWVU “Meet the Candidates” Night, valley residents are advised to follow the Cache Valley League of Women Voters on Facebook.

The First Presbyterian Church is located at 178 West Center Street in Logan.

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