Source: CVDaily Feed
Inmates from Franklin County may be having a change of scenery soon. Cache County Executive Craig Buttars says because of lack of space some Franklin County inmates have been taken to the jail in Soda Springs, Idaho to serve their time.
But Buttars says the Cache County Jail is a shorter distance to transport the inmates and the Franklin County Sheriff has asked Buttars to sign an interlocal agreement with that county to house inmates in Cache County.
“With the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, and with lowering some of the penalties on some of our drug offenses,” Buttars says, “there aren’t as many prisoners in the jail as what we have had in the past.”
Buttars sought the approval of the Cache County Council at Tuesday’s meeting. The county passed the interlocal agreement, allowing Franklin County inmates to stay at the Cache County Jail. The agreement will also bring added revenue to Cache County.