Source: CVDaily Feed
Sheriff Lynn Nelson has announced the restructure of the Cache County Sheriff’s Office, which began July 1, 2013, with the re-designation of the civilian control room positions to sworn deputy positions, and culminated this last week with the promotion of Lt. Brian Locke to the rank of chief deputy and Sgt. Michael Peterson to the rank of lieutenant.
The Sheriff’s Office restructure was designed to align similar functions in order to utilize our limited resources most efficiently. As part of the restructure, three civilian positions and one sergeant position has been eliminated, all in an effort to reduce the costs of law enforcement services.
The new structure is as follows:
The Court Security unit has moved from the Support Services Division to the Jail Division. The Investigations unit has moved from the Support Services Division to the Criminal Division. Lt. Michael Peterson has been named as the Criminal (formerly Patrol) Division lieutenant; Lt. Doyle Peck has been named as the Administrative Support (formerly Support Services) Division lieutenant; Lt. Chad Jensen and Lt. Matt Bilodeau have been named as the Jail Division lieutenants. Chief Deputy Brad Slater will be over the Criminal and Administrative Support Divisions, and Chief Deputy Brian Locke will be over the Jail Division.
Our goal in restructuring the office is to serve our communities in a better way. We frequently assess our effectiveness in the community and we strive to provide the best service possible.