Source: CVDaily Feed

Allocations of approximately $2.5 million in RAPZ and Restaurant Tax money has been allocated to 83 different local organizations and the one receiving the highest amount this year was the Cache Valley Center for the Arts.

The center will receive a total of $200,000 in support for the publicly-owned cultural arts facility which includes the Ellen Eccles Theatre, the Bullen Center and the Thatcher-Young Mansion.

Another $40,000 will go for art education and outreach programming.

CVCA Executive Director Wendy Hassan says it was extremely good news for the facilities she manages.

“We have $1.8 million of ticket sales, and arts education classes, and art sales that come through our facility every year by multiple users,” Hassan explains. “Less than 20% of that is programming that we manage.

“All of the people that use the space,” exclaims Hassan, “will be grateful to have the dimmer rack that we will be replacing that controls the stage lighting in the theater.”

She said the expenditure is necessary to keep the facility operating. To see the full list of projects that were funded (and for how much), click here.